The Future is Positive for PUSD Schools
"The state of the district is good and the future is positive." Those words were spoken by PUSD School Board President Lawrence Torres on the night of April 4 at Sierra Madre Middle School. His speech was the main event at the annual State of the Schools presentation which was attended by parents, administrators, school board members, and staff. Torres updated us on our finances and gave us an overview of the financial health of the district. We were also reminded that Measure J passed with 70% of the vote! Thank you, voters! The event itself, as I experienced it, while sitting in the front row of the auditorium next to a representative from Congresswoman Judy Chu’s office and Senator Portantino’s office, was a simple, yet powerful reminder that democracy isn't possible without participants. Sitting in the audience amongst friends and colleagues I took notes as Torres spoke. A few facts intrigued me: We will meet our fiscal obligations for the next three y...