Budget cuts and Altadena public schools

We received this document in the other day and were surprised to see an Altadena public school (a PUSD school) on the list as a potential closure.

Potential. This is a key word. Please read the document for a full understanding of what will be discussed.


There is a meeting of the School Board on Thursday night. We will be there!

FYI: Altadena has had 5 public schools close in the past. Here is the list:

Altadena school closures:

1. Audubon Elementary 725 W. Altadena Drive Altadena (When was Audubon closed?)

2. Noyes Elementary 1919 Pinecrest Dr. Altadena (Closed June 2006)

3. Edison Elementary 119 W. Palm St. Altadena (Closed June 2006)

4. Burbank Elementary 2046 Allen Ave. Altadena (Closed June 2011)

5. Loma Alta Elementary 3544 Canon Blvd. Altadena (Closed June 2011)

Pasadena closures:

1. Linda Vista (2006)

2. Allendale (2006)

Quote for the day
Public schools are not merely schools for the public, but schools of publicness: institutions where we learn what it means to be a public and start down the road toward common national and civic identity - Benjamin R. Barber "Taking the Public Out of Education"


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